10 Week Ultrasound

Typically if you get pregnant with IVF the fertility specialist will want to do an ultrasound every week up through week 10 or 12. Because I went out of town the day after we had our 6 week ultrasound I wasn’t able to see the peeps until the 10 week ultrasound. The four weeks between the two ultrasounds was pretty stressful because I wasn’t able to see the babies and make sure they were doing okay. I was still able to go in for weekly blood work, but it’s just not as comforting as seeing your babies moving around on the monitor.

At week 7 and week 9 I did have some bleeding accompanied by cramping, which was scary. I had had a little spotting (darker in color) around week 6, but this was different than spotting. It was brighter red and there was more of it, plus it was mixed with tissue. Of course when your babies are supposed to be the size of a blueberry seeing red tissue is extremely devastating, but I just had to pray that they were both safely attached in their little cocoons. Both times I had the bleeding I basically put myself on bed rest for two or three days and only got up to use the bathroom. After a few days the bleeding stopped and I was able to relax a little more. When I finally returned home from my trip I couldn’t wait for my 10 week ultrasound the next day!

10 week ultrasound: They’re starting to look like actual babies!

It was the most amazing thing to see how much the peeps had changed in the month since I had seen them. At my 6 week ultrasound they were just little yolk sacs with flickering heart beats. This week, at our 10 week ultrasound they looked like babies! I was in shock when I saw the two little wiggle bugs doing flips in their  little private pools. Baby A’s head was facing down and Baby B’s head was facing up. They were both so active, jiggling around like gummy bears. Their arms and legs looked like little nubs, but they definitely looked like tiny people!

Week 10 ultrasound: TWINS
The twins dancing around at their 10 week ultrasound.
Twin B looked just like a cute little glow worm.
Twin B looking like a cute little glow worm.

I also got to hear their heart beats for the first time, since it was too early to measure the heart rate at the previous ultrasound. Both of the babies heart rates were nice and strong at 156 beats per minute. After a stressful month of worrying I just have to thank and praise the Lord for keeping these babies healthy and growing!

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