26 weeks pregnant with twins: 3rd trimester begins

Side view of my belly at 26 weeks pregnant with twins
Week 26 belly shot

Today is the first day of my third trimester! Even though I’ve been impatiently counting down the days of this pregnancy (I actually mark off every day that passes in my calender) but part of me can’t believe that we are already at this point. These little peeps have made it through 26 weeks and they only have about 10-12 weeks to go! I’m starting to realize that there’s not much time left and still lots to do to prepare.

Finding a birthing class that’s right for us

I’ve been researching different birthing classes at the different hospitals in our area as well as private classes like the Bradley Method. I was waiting until the third trimester to begin the classes but what I didn’t take into consideration is that my last trimester is not going to be as long as a typical 40 week pregnancy. I also didn’t take into consideration that the Bradley Method classes run for a full 12 weeks and they don’t have classes starting very often. I did find one class that begins Nov. 15th but that means I would most likely miss the last 2-3 classes where they go over the major birthing techniques. The Bradley Method classes are usually between $250-$350 for the 12 week course and I’m not sure if it’s worth it if I can’t complete the entire course. If anyone has any recommendations for what types of classes to take to prepare for childbirth please leave a comment below!

How do you choose classes to prepare for twins?

In addition to a birth preparation course I would also like to take a breast feeding class, newborn care class, infant CPR class and there are even a few classes specifically for multiples that would be great to attend. Each class costs from $30-$140 so that really adds up. I want to be prepared but I don’t want to spend too much money if these classes are not all necessary. What classes did you other mommies take before you had your kids? What classes did you find helpful and what classes could you have done without?

Dancing babies in my belly

As far as an update on my darling boys I don’t have much to report. They are moving around a lot which is still such an amazing and unreal feeling each time I feel them. The other day I was watching a video on another twin pregnancy blog that had a country music song playing in the background. Right away I started to feel a lot of activity going on both sides, top, bottom and center of my belly. I’m thinking either both babies starting dancing when they heard the music- or they really hate country music and were letting me know that they wanted it to stop immediately!

Today at my acupuncture appointment I had all of my needles in place, a mild heat lamp positioned over my belly and some soothing music with nature sounds playing. Again the boys started fluttering around much more than normal. Right baby (who is still head down) began kicking under my ribs repeatedly like he was jogging in place. It was hard to close my eyes and relax like you are supposed to because I just wanted to watch my bouncing belly. I have a feeling that once they are born I will miss feeling the babies moving in my belly. Although having them physically in my arms will be a million times better!

What husbands shouldn’t say to their pregnant wives

Tonight when my husband took my week 26 belly shots he exclaimed “that’s one round belly.” He tends to say very blunt comments like this even when I’m not pregnant so I’m used to it. A few weeks ago I tried to sit on his lap to give him a hug and he grunted and said “honey you are so fat.” Usually I pout and take the opportunity to educate him on what to say and what not to say to your pregnant wife. Tonight I took it as a compliment. My belly is indeed getting nice and round, but I’m loving it. I probably shouldn’t wish for it, but I’m looking forward to seeing it grow into a giant twin belly! Remind me to re-read this once I get to 36 weeks because I’m pretty sure I won’t be feeling so fond of lugging around an enormous gut but for now I’m still enjoying it!

26 weeks pregnant with twins- the belly left right and center
My belly button is starting to pop out (kind of)