Birth Story Part 3: My Twin Delivery

It has been 13 months since the birth of my twin baby boys. I started writing this final post on my birth story a few weeks after my babies were born but I haven’t been able to finish it. Part of that is because I’m a (new-ish) mom of twins, and it’s nearly impossible to find the time to blog. But the major reason why is because I have had a hard time re-living the birth experience. Just telling my story brings back a lot of the same emotions I was feeling when I was in the hospital- but I’m finally ready to get the rest of my story published so I can share it with you all.

I want to be completely honest about how I was feeling in the moment of my delivery and how I still feel even now. There were a lot of feelings of anxiety,  of being incapable and sheer terror. Now I realize that a lot of women feel disappointed about how their births turned out (especially if they didn’t go as planned) and I guess I am one of those women.

For the most part my labor went according to plan. I labored at home first, then I labored in the hospital while the doctors and nurses monitored the babies. Then I got the epidural before being moved to the OR where I always knew I would deliver my twins. I also knew that my second baby was breech and that he would need to be delivered by breech extraction. However, I truly had no idea how all of those events would make me feel as I experienced them.

Okay, enough rambling and describing how I felt- here’s what happened:

Once we arrived in the OR I was immediately transferred to the operating table. Somehow the doctors and nurses worked together to pick up the entire whaleness of me and put me on the tiny hard table that was no where close to being wide enough for a giant pregnant lady. (My doctor even made a comment that we would need to be careful not to let me fall off the side.)

Everyone around me was working fast- propping up my legs into stirrups, making sure my oxygen mask was on, they did ask me if I wanted to be covered up (but I sensed the urgency of delivering the babies ASAP so I said I didn’t care-I did kind if care but I cared more about getting my babies out safely). I never imagined giving birth completely uncovered in front of about 20 men and women I’d never seen before in my life. Oh yeah, and I was all alone because my husband was still changing into his scrubs.

Within a few minutes they were ready for me to push. At that point I heard someone say “the husband is at the door, can we let him in?” Thankfully he wasn’t too late, and they let him in so he could hold my hand. (Huge sigh of relief).

Then they basically just used the forceps and started pulling and telling me (more like everyone yelling at me) to PUSH, push, push! I tried once and realized I had no idea how to push. I felt like I couldn’t take a deep enough breath in order to push. I started coughing up phlegm (partly because I was super congested all the time during the last trimester of pregnancy) and partly because of the oxygen mask making it hard for me to swallow. We had to stop for a second so I could hawk up a loogie and spit it out into a cup someone was holding for me. Then they were like you have to PUSH right now, so I curled forward with my chin down toward my chest holding onto my legs and tried to bear down as much as I knew how. Someone was counting (insanely slow) all the way to 10, but my breath kept running out so quickly (around 5), and before I could catch my breath I could hear them saying “again, again, push, push…”  I felt so panicky that I wouldn’t be able to push out my baby in time. I knew he wasn’t doing well and I seriously felt like I was solely responsible for his little life. (Still can’t write this without crying). I was calling on the name of the Lord over and over again and desperately asking Him to help me deliver my babies safely. Even though these were such intense moments in reality it was only about 5 minutes of me pushing and the doctor pulling with forceps. I could feel a lot of pressure down there but the epidural was numbing my right side up pretty good so I didn’t feel much pain. I finally discovered that the only way I could keep myself from blowing out all my air while pushing was to yell/grunt. My husband was telling me to close my mouth and hold my breath, but I just couldn’t do it. I did about 3 big pushes while yelling and my baby A came out pretty fast (resulting in a third degree tear). I didn’t get to see him and I couldn’t hear him making any noise. I kept asking if he was okay and they told me he was  okay and that I needed to start pushing baby B out. I found out later that Baby A was limp when he first came out but after the first minute he came to and I heard him cry. Hearing his tiny voice was such a relief. I guess they didn’t want me to worry since it had another baby to deliver, but I truly regret not having the experience of having my babies put on my chest immediately after delivery (obviously he needed medical attention, so I understand why it didn’t happen, but I’m still sad about missing that experience).

The pushing for Baby B was different because the epidural wasn’t working as much on my left side. I felt the contractions (and that was a good thing) because I felt more in control while pushing. The epidural worked enough so that I didn’t feel too uncomfortable when they reached up to grab his legs and pull him down into the birth canal. I then pushed maybe a total of 5 times (yelling again because I think it worked best for me-even though I wasn’t holding my breath properly like everyone was telling me to). Three minutes later I pushed out Baby B’s hips and one shoulder at a time and finally his head. I was so thankful that I could “feel” him come out more than Baby A. I felt so much more in control of my body. This was why I was scared  of the epidural in the first place (but again I understand why I needed it and I am thankful for it ultimately).

Once the babies were safely out and I could hear them both crying I was so relieved and could only keep repeating “thank You Lord” quietly over and over again. During the delivery all I could do was call on the name of the Lord because I was so terrified and needed Him in order to get through the next second. It was only by His calming and sustaining me that I believe I was able to remain outwardly calm.

From my position on the operating table I couldn’t see the babies. I did catch a few glimpses of flailing little legs and feet though. I was told that they both were doing good and I couldn’t wait for them to be laid on my chest so I could kiss them. That didn’t happen though…

I started feeling very lightheaded and thought I was going to pass out. Then I noticed a pain in the left side of my chest that felt like something heavy was sitting on me, crushing me. I tried to tell the doctor how I was feeling, but my mouth was so dry it was hard to talk. Then I heard the doctors and nurses talking about how I had lost 2 liters of blood and they called for blood bags to be prepared in case I needed a transfusion. I then received a giant IV in my right hand (I already had the first IV placed in my other hand for the other medications and fluids I received during labor.) I also noticed a loud beeping that kept getting faster. It was my heart monitor that had gone up into the 180s plus I had really high blood pressure. I heard someone call out “she’s tachycardic, let’s hang the bags” (of blood for the transfusion) I had only ever heard phrases like this on medical TV shows which made me pretty nervous. Again, all I could do was call on the name of the Lord.

So I had a blood transfusion (2 units). All this was happening while my OB and the resident doctor she was training were stitching me up (I could feel all the pricking, tugging and pulling pretty well despite the epidural.)

I also was having my abdomen roughly massaged in order to help my uterus contract back down and stop more bleeding. Super painful by the way. I had Vitamin K shots administered into my upper arm multiple times to try and help stop the bleeding as well. I was given Cytotec pills to help my uterus contract and shrink back down- again, to stop the bleeding. The pills stayed in my extrememly dry cheeks for over an hour and weren’t dissolved as they should have been until I washed them down with water back in my labor and delivery room.

This whole experience was very scary (and incredibly uncomfortable/painful) to me, and at one point I even remember praying that I would be able to hold my babies before I died (I know, dramatic, but I truly had the fear that I might die from blood loss or a heart attack.)

My husband, on the other hand was not concerned for me (he was in medical school at the time, so he was used to seeing these types of situations). He was happily video taping the babies- and at one point he tried to give me baby B to hold, but I was shaking too uncontrollably to be able to hold him. Our first family photo was taken by a nurse. In it my husband is holding the babies and I am laying on the table with my oxygen mask on looking pale and half dead. Not something I’ll be posting on Facebook that’s for sure.

Once they got me stitched up, they wheeled me (still attached to the transfusion bags) back to my labor and delivery room.

25 week twin pregnancy update: getting prepared for the babies

side view of 25 week twin pregnancy
Week 25 belly shot

This week has been pretty productive. I’m trying to smooth out all of the details of where I’ll deliver and who will deliver our babies. I’ve also been taking more steps to get things ready for the babies at home. A few days ago I was convinced that we needed to move out of our third floor apartment because I could not wrap my head around how I would be able to leave the apartment with 2 babies in tow. Now I’ve come back to reality and am content to complete my nesting process in our little apartment (thankfully it has two bedrooms!)

Speaking of nesting

Last week I mentioned the maternity pillow sleeping setup that I made and I wanted to show you what I was referring to:

maternity pillows
My pregnant lady nest

Back to nesting in preparation for the babies:

I went to a big community event called “Just Between Friends” last week. People can consign used baby and kid items to be sold at a big garage sale type event. I was able to go to the pre-sale for first time moms so I got to go check everything out before it was sold out. I found a bouncer that was barely used for $14 (originally $60) and a baby carrier that works as a front or back carrier for $15 (originally $80). I also picked up a baby sling to try out for $7 and a few baby clothes (all $4 or less per item). I felt like I made some major progress toward finding useful items and I got most of the stuff for some pretty sweet deals.

Double Snap-N-Go Photo taken from
Double Snap-N-Go
Photo from

I also saw a Baby Trend Snap-N-Go stroller frame that carries 2 infant car seats at the garage sale for $65. I almost bought it but called my mom so she could check the prices on Amazon first. Apparently the stroller is originally $99.99 but is usually on sale for $70 on Amazon and at Target. I decided to hold off on buying the used stroller and I’m so glad I did because last night as I was looking for cloth diapers on Amazon I happened to see the same exact stroller for $40!!! I couldn’t believe it, and I thought it was a mistake- so I quickly bought it before someone noticed that they were selling a $100 stroller for less than half price! I also emailed the link to my friend who is also pregnant with twins and she immediately bought it. I just went back to check the same link on Amazon and the price is back up to $94.41. I am incredibly thankful that we were able to find such an amazing deal (and at least my late night Amazon browsing has not been in vain).

Preparing for my vaginal twin delivery

I know there is still a possibility that we may need to do a cesarean section, but I moved one step closer to a vaginal twin delivery today. I met with a new OB who is a huge advocate for vaginal delivery for multiples and she agreed to take me on as a patient- even though it is already late in my pregnancy! Thank You Lord! My husband and I both really liked her- she is completely on the same page as I am about using as few interventions as possible (unless they are necessary of course).

She is also comfortable assisting in a breech extraction if Baby B ends up being breech during the delivery. I believe that this new doctor is fully capable of assisting in either a vaginal or cesarean delivery and therefore I feel much more at peace letting her call the shots. I’m not worried about her forcing anything on us or doing any unnecessary interventions. She also suggested that I sign up for a natural birthing class as well as a cesarean section class so that we can be prepared for either scenario. All in all I feel very good about making this switch to our new OB!

A quick update on the ever growing peeps

I am so thankful that I don’t have much to report concerning the health of the twins. People keep reminding me that an uneventful pregnancy is the best kind- and I couldn’t agree more! At my appointment today we heard 2 strong heart beats (152 and 150 beats per minute). Baby B is head down and Baby A is breech (but I feel them flipping around on a daily basis so I’m sure their positions will continue to change over the next month or so- while they still have room to swim around).

Baby A and Baby B are trading places

Baby B has decided to change things up and since he is head down and his head is the closest baby part to my cervix he has claimed the first position in the womb. Meaning he is actually considered Baby A now. I’ve decided that from this point on I will call them Left Baby (previously Baby A) and Right Baby (previously Baby B). I have already been getting to know them based on their movements in my womb so it is very important to me that I keep them straight during the pregnancy and I know who is who once they come out. I did ask the doctor what the hard protrusion I was feeling on my right side was and she said it was most likely Right Baby’s little knee- so I guess I’m not squishing his head after all. That’s about it for my uneventful update on the babies!

My body also needs to get prepared- to become exponentially larger in the coming weeks!

I’ve been much more aware of the earth’s gravitational pull lately. My legs feel like they are magnets being suctioned to the ground. This means that walking up three flights of stairs with groceries plus my additional 30 pounds is a slow, slow journey. My belly is also being affected by the very real law of gravity and it lets me know this by sending shooting pains from the round ligaments that are trying to keep my uterus in place. The nurse at my doctor’s appointment today suggested that I invest in a belly band that wraps around the waist underneath the belly to hold it up and take the strain off of your back and round ligaments. This will be my next serious Amazon search.

belly shots 25 weeks pregnant with twins
25 weeks pregnant and rounding out

The new maternity bathing suit

I couldn’t deprive you all of seeing how cute my new suit is (from A Pea In The Pod), so I caved and decided to post a picture of it as requested by my dear sister (who is celebrating her 9th wedding anniversary tonight) Happy Anniversary! Love you Sister! xoxo

Maternity bathing suit

24 weeks pregnant with twins

side view of woman who is 24 weeks pregnant with twins
Week 24 belly shot

This past week I’ve really been putting on the pounds! I have gained a total of around 28 pounds so far, and I still have at least 12 weeks to go. Pretty sure I’ll be gaining over 50 pounds, but that’s okay, I’m fine with it as long as the babies are growing and healthy. My feet however are not so okay with my new weight, and they have been mighty sore on a daily basis. I may have to retire my ballet flats and flip flops and start wearing more supportive running shoes for the sake of my poor feet.

Good news at my 24 week ultrasound

I went in for my 24 week ultrasound so the doctor could check on the length of my cervix. Thankfully it looks good! It is still the same length as it was 4 weeks ago at my last appointment and it shows no signs of thinning or softening, so this is all good news. What’s even more exciting is that the doctor noticed that Baby A’s placenta is almost completely out of the way! At this rate it looks like the placenta previa will end up correcting itself so we should be good to go for a vaginal delivery. Of course we will still need to monitor this and I’ll know by my next appointment at 27 or 28 weeks if the placenta previa will no longer be a problem.

Getting closer to a possible vaginal twin delivery!

I was super stoked when I found out that the placenta was moving- in fact I’m pretty sure I squealed a rather loud “Really!?!” when my doctor told me the news. This also makes me more excited about the appointment I have scheduled with the potential new OB for next week. I’m guessing that my almost non-existent placenta previa will make me an even better candidate for a vaginal twin delivery! I’ll let you know next week if the new doctor agrees to take me on!

Watching the babies move is amazing!

Another new thing this week is that I can now SEE the babies moving from the outside of my belly! They’ve been giving me hard enough little jabs to make my skin pop out for a split second. It’s hard to see, but both my husband and I have caught glimpses of belly movement! I can’t see the lower part of my belly anymore (which is where I still feel most of the activity) so only my husband could witness those low kicks. The boys are still flipping around just about every day. I sometimes feel them more up high and on my sides and of course still most of the time down bellow my belly button.

When I sleep on my right side I’ve been feeling a hard little protrusion on the right which I think is Baby B’s little head. When this happens I’m always quick to shift my sleeping position because I hate the idea of squishing any tiny baby parts. I know they are safe and sound in my uterus but still I like there to be lots of cushioning between them and all of my weight.

How to sleep when you are 24 weeks pregnant with twins

Sleeping has been interesting over the past few weeks. I have created a nest out of pillows including my new maternity pillow. I ordered the C shaped Snoogle body pillow off Amazon and it came about a week ago. I’ve tried using it by itself, but right now this is what I’ve come up with that works the best for me. I’m using the long C shaped pillow between my knees and around my back and then it wraps all the way around to support my head and neck. I then prop up my belly on another regular pillow. We moved my bed next to the wall so I can shove three other pillows between the wall and the Snoogle. This way the pillows stay put without falling off the bed and they give my back more support than the maternity pillow alone. When I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I have to carefully crawl in and out of my nest so I don’t have to put it all back together again. It sounds annoying, but it’s working for me so far!

The linea nigra has appeared

I’ll leave you with my bare belly shots for this week. I think if you look closely you can see a very faint dark line under my belly button. This is a linea nigra. Some women get a vertical line that runs all the way from the pubic bone to the top of the belly. I just have a partial line that runs a little ways under my belly button and most of the way up to the top of my belly. Apparently women with darker skin pigments tend to develop a more prominent linea nigra, so I’m not sure if mine will develop more or just stay the same. I also read that being in the sun can cause more skin discolorations while pregnant so I’ll have to keep my belly covered up when I sit by the pool after swimming.

The expanding belly at 24 weeks
The expanding belly at 24 weeks