27 weeks pregnant with twins

Week 27 twin pregnancy belly shot
Week 27 belly shot

I’m starting to look a feel very pregnant. This week my belly started to feel so much heavier and it also started putting a lot more pressure on my round ligaments, sciatic nerve, intestines and bladder. I’ve mentioned these types of pains before in my 25 week pregnancy update, but this week everything was much more intense. For example I’ve been waking up multiple times at night with shooting pains in my left hip. It feels like a pinched nerve that radiates down through my knee and into my calf. Around this same area I also feel sudden cramping mainly on the left side but it also goes across my lower abdomen (kind of like the pains that accompany diarrhea, but there is no diarrhea with my pain). The abdominal pain is more intense and it freaks me out more than the hip pain because it is closer to the babies. I did finally break down and call the nurse’s line at my Ob’s office to make sure that the cramping wasn’t a sign of preterm labor, and she again strongly recommended getting a belly support band. I’m sure these pains are normal and this is just a part of pregnancy, but it’s new to me so I wanted to double check. So I’m now in desperate need of finding a belly band that will help alleviate the pressure from my doubly large twin uterus. (I’m gladly accepting belly band recommendations from you folks!)

Increased swelling in my hands and feet

The swelling in my fingers and hands (especially my left hand) has become much more noticeable this week. You may be able to see the difference in this week’s belly shot compared to the earlier photos. Last week after my acupuncture appointment I thought the swelling went down for a few days, but it is back again. My feet are also puffy again and still sore when I walk or stand too much. The swollen feet also seemed better for a few days after my appointment. I may need to start visiting my acupuncturist more often in the coming weeks to help with this issue. It’s getting more difficult to type on my laptop keyboard too.

Leaning towards private Bradley Method sessions

I did get in touch with one of the Bradley Method teachers in my area who is willing to work with me so late in my pregnancy. We may end up doing a few private sessions with her rather than signing up for the group class. This way we she will come to our home so we don’t have to travel and we can ask her to work on specific exercises and techniques rather than focusing on book knowledge that we can read on our own time. I will confirm the lessons after my MFM appointment on Friday.

Upcoming appointments this week

Friday is a pretty big day. I will be 27 weeks 2 days along and at this point we should be able to tell if the placenta previa will continue to be an issue. I was told that by 28 weeks if it hadn’t resolved then I would have to schedule my c-section for before 37 weeks. So I’m hoping that the ultrasound will have good news for us! I will also be going in for the blood tests for gestational diabetes and a few other blood tests that I never had done because I jumped around to so many doctor’s offices during my first and second trimesters. I’m looking forward to both appointments because hopefully we will be able to get a better idea of when the babies will be born- so our family members can start to book their flights!

belly shots of 27 week pregnant belly
Rounder and more stretched out this week!