30 week twin pregnancy update

Week 30 belly shot
Week 30 belly shot

We’re in the 30s!!!

This is just a super quick update to share my 30 week pregnant belly shots with you all! It’s Thanksgiving, so we are planning to drive about 2.5 hours away for the weekend and I’m just about packed and ready to head out the door. We’ve been a bit apprehensive as to whether or not we should make the drive due to our exciting week full of contractions, cramping and cholestasis.

My OB wasn’t comfortable with us going so far and she gave me a good list of possibilities of things that could happen like- you could be hospitalized away from home, your babies could be born there, they could end up in the NICU for a month or more and you’d be stuck in a hotel for their entire stay. She succeeded in freaking me out pretty good, but honestly I just don’t think these babies are coming this weekend. I know things can happen that we never expect, but even with all of my contractions and cramping my cervix is still completely closed- and has not changed at all!

I had an appointment with my MFM specialist and asked him what he thought about me traveling for Thanksgiving and he was okay with me going 2.5 hours away. He did give me a copy of my ultrasound report to give to an ER doctor in the other city if for some reason we end up needing to go in. All in all my husband and I still feel good to go, but we will be praying the entire time we are away and I will be taking it extremely easy (couch potato status). If you think of us this weekend please pray that there wouldn’t be any complications while we are out of town!

An update on my Obstetric Cholestasis (OC):

I mentioned in my last post that after taking Ursodiol for a few days I thought the itching was improving, but then it started to be even worse than before. It has continued to stay pretty consistently irritating. I found out while talking to my OB that the dose I was originally given (300 mg 3 times a day) was actually the wrong dose! I was supposed to be taking 600 mg 3 times a day. I’m told that this is why my itching hasn’t cleared up. I’m now on day 2 of taking the higher dose, so I’m hoping it will start to work. More importantly when the itching goes down this should be a sign that the bile acid levels in my blood are also going down- which is what I’m mainly concerned about.

That’s all for now, hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Belly button starting to poke out
Belly button starting to poke out