Pregnancy Brain: 33 weeks pregnant with twins

Week 33 belly shot
Week 33 belly shot

Funny Story: I blame it on pregnancy brain

My college roommate came to visit me for the weekend. It was a short visit but so special to get to spend time together before the babies get here. The weekend was pretty uneventful, we basically sat around so I could put my swollen feet up and she got to feel the tiny peeps moving around in my belly. We did get to go out for a few good meals together- and this is where my funny/embarrassing story begins.

We decided to go out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Before going out in public I squeezed into one of the only maternity tops that still kind of fits (but doesn’t quite cover the belly band on my jeans). Then the search for a pair of shoes began. Seriously- NONE of my shoes fit at this point. I finally settled on a pair of jelly flats that “fit” but were by no means comfortable in any way. I hobbled down the stairs to the car wincing with every step- man were my feet swollen!

Before dinner we walked around the shopping center by the restaurant and took cheesy pictures by the trees covered in white lights. Then we went to the restaurant. We ordered a bunch of tapas to share including these Cuban nachos that were ah-may-zing! Blue corn chips with black beans, a fried plantain, melted queso fresco with a pickled jalapeno on top. That was a tangent- the story is not actually about the food- but did I mention the crispy pork belly? Mmm…

Okay, so after our delightful evening chatting over tapas I excused myself to the ladies room. As I walked to the back of the restaurant my pinching shoes reminded me of how swollen my feet had gotten (even bigger than when I left the house). I made it to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet- I looked down at my feet and lo and behold my shoes were on the wrong feet! That’s right, just like a three year old- I had shoved my puffy pink little sausage toes into the wrong shoes.

In my defense, when I switched my shoes to the proper feet they were still almost as uncomfortable as they had been all evening- but visually when they were on the wrong feet there was no mistaking the toes pointing out in opposite directions. Like I said- just like a three year old!

We all had a good laugh once I got back to the table. I still don’t know how it was possible for me to go all evening without noticing this fashion faux pas, hence I’m blaming it on pregnancy brain.

33 week twin pregnancy overview

Overall week 32 was a pretty good week. Having two of my favorite ladies in the world with me helped to distract from my itching and all of the other stresses that are coming up in the next few weeks (moving and you know, that whole giving birth thing).

I do have to mention that I had an acupuncture appointment last Friday and that could also be why my itching was more bearable over the weekend. Either way, I was one happy, giant bellied, thirty-year-old mismatched shoe wearing (not to be confused with a three year old) mama to be this week.

And to prove it- look how giant my belly has become!

twin pregnancy belly shots at 33 weeks
That’s one giant bellied twin-mama-to-be


I’m still about 1 week behind on publishing my weekly pregnancy updates, but I am making sure to take my belly shot photos every week- so they are still accurate. Hopefully I will get caught up with Week 34 before Week 35 rolls around! Ahhhh- time is going by way too fast!