Week 23 twin pregnancy update

Week 23 belly shot
Week 23 belly shot

This week I’m definitely feeling bigger! I feel like everything about me is growing. My hands and feet are slightly bigger so I’m wearing my flip flops and had to stop wearing my wedding rings. I stopped wearing my wedding band a few weeks ago, but now my engagement ring is also too tight.

Growing out of my maternity clothes already!

I had to buy a new pair of maternity jeans. The Old Navy ones that I’ve been wearing are just not as comfortable as they were at the beginning of my pregnancy. The belly band is a little too tight/and snug like it’s trying to help suck in my belly, but all I want to do is let my belly hang out as unhindered as possible. So my new jeans are from Motherhood Maternity and they are nice and stretchy everywhere! The legs and butt are made of super stretchy material and so is the belly band!

My growing belly at 23 weeks pregnant
My growing belly at 23 weeks pregnant

Flipping breech babies

I decided to try some of the recommendations for helping flip breech babies into the head down position. I know it is still early so it’s okay for my boys to be feet down at this point, but I was curious to see if I could make them flip. Plus I was hoping I could coax their little feet off my bladder so I could avoid running to the bathroom so much. …and it worked!

I’ve been getting on my hands and knees and then resting my head in my arms (so my rear end is slightly higher than my head). I did this for a few nights for about 5 minutes and this morning when I woke up I felt kicks above my belly button instead of lower in my pelvis. The real confirmation was seeing them at our ultrasound today- and they were both head down!

23 week ultrasound

They were head down and super active during the ultrasound- which made it difficult for the doctor to scan and measure them, but so fun for me to see them wiggling around. At one point they were punching each through the separating membrane. It’s amazing to see how their little arms can move the membrane so much so that they are actually nudging (more like slugging) each other. I think it’s darling to see them “interacting” although when they are older I’m sure I won’t appreciate their rough housing quite as much.

This week the scan estimated that both babies are about 1 lb. 6 oz. (give or take 3 oz.) so that’s about 3 pounds of baby altogether! They are both healthy and growing just as they should be. Thank You Lord!

Swimming in style!

Another exciting thing that happened this week was getting a new bathing suit from my Aunt! Now I won’t have to shimmy and squeeze in and out of my regular old suit every time I go to the pool. Yay! More motivation to keep doing my regular exercise! Plus the suit is really cute so I’m hoping I can continue to wear it post pregnancy.