14 week twin pregnancy update

Another week has passed and not a whole lot has changed. I’m feeling better every day so that’s nice! I have more of an appetite and I even cooked twice this week (which is the most I’ve done while being pregnant). Oh, and I guess my belly has grown a bit more since my last belly shot.

Week 14 belly shot
Week 14 belly shot

Pregnancy symptom or the weather?

One interesting thing I discovered is that the headaches I’ve been getting on a weekly basis might not actually be hormone related. I’ve been noticing that I’ve been getting the headaches when it is stormy out. Houston has been having some pretty intense thunder storms with drastic temperature changes, so I’m now attributing my headaches to the weather. Who really knows for sure, but at least it’s one less thing to blame on pregnancy.

How do you know what kind of baby stuff to get?

This past week I have also been doing some online research on baby stuff, and there is SO MUCH stuff available for babies! But how do you know what to buy, what you will need and what your babies will actually use? I’m truly asking for advice here because I want to know from other parents’ experience. What items do you recommend for first time parents. If you have twin recommendations that’s even better, but I’m seriously open to hear what you have to say!

1. What type of car seats should we get for twins?

There are infant car seats that can be detached from a base that stays in the car.  You can get strollers that hold the car seats so all you have to do is transfer the car seat from the car to the stroller (or directly into the house) without having to take the baby out of the seat. These make sense to me since it seems like it would be easier to carry the babies in car seats rather than trying to carry two babies in my arms to and from the car. (Unless I figure out how to do baby wearing with twins- questions on that coming up.) The other option for car seats is the convertible car seats that “grow/change” as your child grows. These supposedly work for newborns all the way until your child is in grade school. My understanding is that the convertible car seats remain in the car at all times though. Anyone love their convertible car seats enough to bypass the infant car seat? Any brands that you love?

2. What strollers for twins do you recommend?

If we went with a stroller for infant car seats at the beginning we would still need to get another stroller once the babies grow out of their infant car seats. What strollers do you recommend for twins? The side by side kind or the front and back kind?

3. How does baby wearing work with twins?

If anyone has a type of sling or baby carrier that they used with success for one or two babies please share your thoughts with me! I’ve read so many reviews and I just don’t know what kind to get. With twins I’ve seen ways to carry one baby on the front and one on the back, or both in front when they are still tiny. Is the ergo carrier worth the extra cost or are the other brands just as useful?

I’m sure I’ll have a lot more questions about other baby products by next week, but until then I’d love to hear some feedback from you on these three big items! Thanks in advance for your advice!