Part 4 of the never ending twin birth story

To wrap up this insanely long 4 part over-detailed rendition of my twin labor and delivery here’s a quick post of what went down during the few days after the twins were born. (Okay, it’s actually still super long and detailed, sorry, but if you’re still interested read on…)

A few minutes after being brought back to the labor and delivery room I tried to hold the babies again, my arms and legs kept jerking uncontrollably (apparently this is from the change in hormones after delivery? Not really sure? Two people had to hold the babies on me since I couldn’t hold them myself. Even though it was only a few minutes baby B managed to latch onto my left breast and it was the sweetest thing I had ever experienced! And then I started puking and asked the babies to be taken to the nursery. I was in tears because all I wanted to do was take care of my babies and the sound of them crying when I couldn’t do anything for them was a huge source of anxiety.

Then I contracted a fever of 103.5 and was pretty sick for the first day after their birth. I kept asking for my babies, but was told they had to stay in the nursery to receive iv antibiotics. Because I was put on iv antibiotics in case of a possible infection they also put both babies on iv antibiotics. I was upset that they put my newborns on antibiotics without asking me. I understand that they wanted to be sure I didn’t give them an infection during delivery, but I still wonder if it was absolutely necessary (especially since one of the resident doctors said it was a precaution and wasn’t actually necessary). I fought so hard to have a vaginal delivery (changing doctors during my pregnancy) so that my babies could have the exposure to the good bacteria. I felt like the antibiotics canceled out all the good a vaginal delivery did for them.

After 3 days Baby A ended up being admitted to the NICU. It was actually on the day we were supposed to go home. He was already dressed in his going home outfit. They admitted him because he had an apneic episode- which means he stopped breathing… This was too much for me to handle. Because I’d already had both of my babies with me in the hospital, I fully expected to bring both babies home with me at the same time. They monitored him for 4 days and then he was able to join us at home.

Now we are all getting used to life with twins. I love them and I love being a mom.

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