Birth Story Part 1: Early Stage of Labor

Today (Wednesday January 21st) I would have been 38 weeks pregnant. However, because of the events that I am about to describe (for my own records and to fill you all in on the details) I am not 2 weeks postpartum and my boys are celebrating their 2 week birthday!

At 35 weeks 5 days I had been experiencing what I thought were signs of pre- labor. I had been losing my mucus plug for about ten days and I was having menstrual-like cramps. When I went to my regular doctor’s appointment on Monday, January 5th I was surprised to find out that I was already 3 cm dilated and having regular contractions. I was in the early stage of labor. My OB was pretty sure that I’d have the babies in the next day or two.

Sunday, January 4th:

In bed with cramping and back pain.

Monday, January 5th:


I returned home from my doctor’s appointment and took a shower (partly because I had always planned on showering in the early stage of labor so I would look good in the hospital pictures) but mainly because I was having back pain that was only relieved by the hot water. I called a few friends to let them know that I was starting the laboring process- and found someone to cook dinner for another friend who had just given birth the week before. I had signed up on a meal schedule to bring her dinner- but realized that it wasn’t going to happen.


My mom and I began running/waddling around the house collecting things that we thought we needed to bring to the hospital. Up until that point my hospital bag only consisted of card games and sudoku (because I thought it was important we have things to do at the hospital while we were waiting for active labor to begin).

The contractions I was having were similar to the cramps I get during my period only they were stronger. The back pain was constant, but the cramps would get worse in the front of my abdomen and that’s when I would be aware of the contraction.


I tried to lay down and rest- I might have napped for an hour or maybe two, but I was constantly being disrupted by the cramping.


Called my sister to let her know I might not make it till Wednesday. She changed her flight and arrived roughly 12 hours later.


My sister arrived and jumped right in to laboring with me. Contractions were intensifying (but some were smaller and then bigger and some were 5 min. apart, then 7 min. apart or 4 min. apart.) It was difficult to tell when contractions were beginning and ending because the back pain was constant and it interfered with my ability to differentiate between the two types of pain.

We timed the contractions all night except when I was showering. Then when I showered my mom and sister rested as much as they could.

When I was not in the shower my back pains were getting really uncomfortable and so my sister would put pressure on my lower back (just like I learned in my Bradley Method class) and that really helped relieve the pain.

In the morning we called the doctor to see what we should do since I was never having the 5-1-1 (contractions 5 min. apart lasting for 1 minute for an entire hour.) Because I was a high risk pregnancy with twins and obstetric cholestasis and my blood pressure had been high for the past week my doctor wanted me to come in.


We arrived at the Women’s Assessment Center to be evaluated. I was in labor, but hadn’t dilated any more (in fact, the doctor said I was only 2 cm dilated- so apparently the measurements really depend on the doctor who is checking. Again my doctor wanted to keep me (but gave me the option of going home if I wanted to). We decided to stay because the doctor felt like things could progress quickly.

*What I didn’t realize that was once I was admitted I wasn’t allowed to eat anything- but could only have clear liquids. This was a challenge because I was not only exhausted but I was getting hungry and needed energy. My labor and delivery class mentioned this, but I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be allowed to eat the snacks I brought with me to the hospital- and I would have tried to eat more before going to the hospital if I had remembered this!

More of the story to come in Birth Story Part 2: In Labor and Delivery

6 thoughts on “Birth Story Part 1: Early Stage of Labor

  1. You may have been happy to not have eaten anything. I was excitedly eating jolly ranchers the whole drive to the hospital and then proceeded to throw up technicolor for a few hours. Haha

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You don’t know me, but I found you through somedaymama (she is my husbands cousin’s wife). I’ve truly enjoyed reading your blog! I just Can’t wait to find out how your labor and delivery went! I know you are crazy busy though! 🙂


    • Hi Naomi, thank you for reading my blog! I have been slowly working on a post with the rest of my birth story. I will post it as soon as it’s finished! I really don’t know how other mommy bloggers find the time- I definitely have a greater appreciation for the new parents who continue to post regularly! P.s. I love someday mama’s blog- she’s a big reason why I started my pregnancy blog in the first place!


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