35 weeks pregnant with only 2 more weeks to go!

Week 35 belly shot
Week 35 belly shot

Week 35 pregnancy symptoms

Heartburn or acid reflux? Feels like I’ve swallowed a pill but it won’t go down all the way and it slowly creeps back up my esophagus and feels like I can’t get it out it does burn and sometimes I throw up a little in my mouth. I honestly thought I was just full so food wouldn’t stay down, and I actually did think that the pills getting stuck feeling were actually my Ursodiol pills getting lodged in my throat. I’m thinking now that it must be heart burn since it’s happening all the time- especially when I lay down to try and sleep.

Belly hurts all the time. Can’t bend forward to eat at the table so I end up spilling food all over my belly. One great alternative I’ve discovered is using my belly as a stand for food, drinks etc.. Works pretty well!

Swollen feet, legs, thighs- so gross! I did take a picture but I can’t bring myself to post the horrendous sight on my blog. Just imagine 2 pudgy, tight skinned feet, kankles and giant calves that blend into my swollen knees and thighs. Are there words like kankles for those other parts that blend together like calnees and knighs- because I definitely have those!

Belly button is sticking out slightly but not in a cute little prego button kind of way- it just slightly pooches out in the middle of my giant stretched out crater in the center of my belly. It doesn’t even look like a belly button at this point. (Plus the dark scar from my laparoscopic procedure and old belly button piercing don’t help.)

Gained 50 pounds total so far!

At the ultrasound on Monday the boys were looking good! Baby A is over 6 lbs! And Baby B is about 5.5 lbs! Crazy that I could have up to 12 lbs of baby in me plus all that comes with them- placentas and amniotic fluid (both babies have a lot of amniotic fluid) so they could still turn but for now Baby B (the presenting twin) is still head down. He hasn’t dropped yet but it sure feels like it! He also likes to wedge his legs or knees under my ribs and that’s pretty uncomfortable.

I’m measuring 44 cm (at my OB appointment last week) and 41 cm (at my MFM appointment this week) so either way my uterus thinks it’s overdue.

Possible pre-labor signs I’m experiencing

  • Lots if menstrual like cramping, back aches, mucus like discharge, leaking nipples.
  • I’m moving around super slowly, can’t get up off the couch or out of bed or out of the car. Waddling pretty much all the time.
  • Feeling not ready but excited at the same time. Sometimes I think they might come today other days I’m sure they will wait for weeks (well they can only wait 2 weeks before they induce me because of the Obstetric Cholestasis I think). But I’ll try to hold off any inducing unless absolutely necessary.
  • I’m super tired, feeling a bit sick. Sore throat, lots of phlegm in my throat, and nose. Napping during the day since I can’t sleep well at night.

Update on the moving situation

I try to do one unpacking chore everyday. My jobs have been easy compared to my mom and husband who have tackled the larger items. I’ve only been allowed to put together the babies’ room and choose where to put things in the kitchen or telling my husband where to put the furniture. I can also sit and fold laundry and direct my mother where to put the dishes etc.

For the nursery we still need to set up a sleeping place for the peeps, so I finally ordered the Pack ‘n Play I’d been reading reviews about for forever. It was on sale on amazon so we saved about 30-60 bucks!

I ordered my diaper bag. I finally settled on the Skip Hop Forma Pack and Go Diaper Tote. I’m still reading/watching reviews on this giant backpack travel bag from Okkatots that looks super functional but it’s huge and I cannot imagine bringing it everywhere with me. Who knows how I’ll feel or what I’ll actually need on a daily basis once I start going out with the twins. We do plan to travel with the babies so I may splurge and get the travel backpack in addition to the one I ordered and use the smaller one for every day use and the travel backpack for longer outings and trips.

I’m planning to do a big shopping spree of all the things we still need to prepare for the babies! Because of all of our amazing family and friends who gave us gift cards we will be able to purchase most of the last minute items that we need, so that will be fun. This needs to happen like yesterday since shipping takes time and these babies are coming within 2 weeks! Ahh! I’m starting to freak out a little, I mean a LOT, I mean I have no idea if I’m really ready for this- but am so thankful and so excited at the same time to cuddle these babies!

My sister is arriving on January 7th so hopefully these growing peeps will wait at least another week to pop out of my belly! It would be even better if they wait 2 weeks, since my mother in law is coming then. Only The Lord knows the right time for these tiny guys to arrive, so I’m trying not to overthink it.

Anyone have tips from their labor experiences?

What were your early signs of labor? I know everyone is different, but I’m still curious to hear about others’ experiences. Okay, so I’ll probably compare your experiences to myself and convince myself that I’m in labor… But really please do share, I’m so curious and excited but scared and can’t believe that all of this could happen any day now!

Here are my scarily huge bare belly close ups:

Don't judge: There are 12ish pounds of baby in there!
Don’t judge: There are 12ish pounds of baby in there!