24 weeks pregnant with twins

side view of woman who is 24 weeks pregnant with twins
Week 24 belly shot

This past week I’ve really been putting on the pounds! I have gained a total of around 28 pounds so far, and I still have at least 12 weeks to go. Pretty sure I’ll be gaining over 50 pounds, but that’s okay, I’m fine with it as long as the babies are growing and healthy. My feet however are not so okay with my new weight, and they have been mighty sore on a daily basis. I may have to retire my ballet flats and flip flops and start wearing more supportive running shoes for the sake of my poor feet.

Good news at my 24 week ultrasound

I went in for my 24 week ultrasound so the doctor could check on the length of my cervix. Thankfully it looks good! It is still the same length as it was 4 weeks ago at my last appointment and it shows no signs of thinning or softening, so this is all good news. What’s even more exciting is that the doctor noticed that Baby A’s placenta is almost completely out of the way! At this rate it looks like the placenta previa will end up correcting itself so we should be good to go for a vaginal delivery. Of course we will still need to monitor this and I’ll know by my next appointment at 27 or 28 weeks if the placenta previa will no longer be a problem.

Getting closer to a possible vaginal twin delivery!

I was super stoked when I found out that the placenta was moving- in fact I’m pretty sure I squealed a rather loud “Really!?!” when my doctor told me the news. This also makes me more excited about the appointment I have scheduled with the potential new OB for next week. I’m guessing that my almost non-existent placenta previa will make me an even better candidate for a vaginal twin delivery! I’ll let you know next week if the new doctor agrees to take me on!

Watching the babies move is amazing!

Another new thing this week is that I can now SEE the babies moving from the outside of my belly! They’ve been giving me hard enough little jabs to make my skin pop out for a split second. It’s hard to see, but both my husband and I have caught glimpses of belly movement! I can’t see the lower part of my belly anymore (which is where I still feel most of the activity) so only my husband could witness those low kicks. The boys are still flipping around just about every day. I sometimes feel them more up high and on my sides and of course still most of the time down bellow my belly button.

When I sleep on my right side I’ve been feeling a hard little protrusion on the right which I think is Baby B’s little head. When this happens I’m always quick to shift my sleeping position because I hate the idea of squishing any tiny baby parts. I know they are safe and sound in my uterus but still I like there to be lots of cushioning between them and all of my weight.

How to sleep when you are 24 weeks pregnant with twins

Sleeping has been interesting over the past few weeks. I have created a nest out of pillows including my new maternity pillow. I ordered the C shaped Snoogle body pillow off Amazon and it came about a week ago. I’ve tried using it by itself, but right now this is what I’ve come up with that works the best for me. I’m using the long C shaped pillow between my knees and around my back and then it wraps all the way around to support my head and neck. I then prop up my belly on another regular pillow. We moved my bed next to the wall so I can shove three other pillows between the wall and the Snoogle. This way the pillows stay put without falling off the bed and they give my back more support than the maternity pillow alone. When I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I have to carefully crawl in and out of my nest so I don’t have to put it all back together again. It sounds annoying, but it’s working for me so far!

The linea nigra has appeared

I’ll leave you with my bare belly shots for this week. I think if you look closely you can see a very faint dark line under my belly button. This is a linea nigra. Some women get a vertical line that runs all the way from the pubic bone to the top of the belly. I just have a partial line that runs a little ways under my belly button and most of the way up to the top of my belly. Apparently women with darker skin pigments tend to develop a more prominent linea nigra, so I’m not sure if mine will develop more or just stay the same. I also read that being in the sun can cause more skin discolorations while pregnant so I’ll have to keep my belly covered up when I sit by the pool after swimming.

The expanding belly at 24 weeks
The expanding belly at 24 weeks

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