18 weeks pregnant with twins


18 weeks pregnant with twins
18 weeks pregnant with twins

I’m a little embarrassed to post this picture of my 18 week baby belly, but I want to keep my blog up to date with weekly belly shots. I am currently visiting my parents so the last photo as well as this week’s photo were taken with my super old camera (instead of my husband’s smart phone). The shadow makes me look slightly larger than I really am but regardless I think it is pretty obvious that I am with child at this point.

Growing mama

I’m noticing that other parts of me are growing as well (no more height changes that I know of) but my arms are looking more plump (especially in this picture). I also have noticed that my thighs are getting to be more acquainted with each other. I don’t remember them touching much when I would stand up before I was pregnant, but now I’ve noticed them brushing up against each other more frequently. My feet are slightly swollen so my shoes are fitting a little tighter than usual. Hopefully my feet aren’t growing an extra shoe size, although I do know that that happens to some people. My fingers are a bit swollen as well so I’m considering taking off my wedding rings before they cut off my circulation. My chest is also growing, or at least it took me this long to finally break down and buy a new bra. Actually my mom insisted on buying me a new bra- and I’m so glad I let her spoil me because it is way more comfortable than my old one. Thanks mom!

Feeling the babies move

I think that I’ve been feeling the peeps moving around in my belly! I know that some people feel their babies as early as 14 weeks, but some people don’t feel them until week 22. I’m still not 100% positive if what I’m feeling is the babies, so maybe I’m just getting excited about gas or indigestion. When I’m laying on the couch or laying in bed I have noticed a foreign feeling in my belly that feels just like some pressure or air moving around. I did have a few sensations like bubbles popping and an occasional feeling like my stomach is flipping like when you’re riding a roller coaster. All of these could be figments of my imagination, but I’m hoping they are the babies, because I like knowing that they are active and full of life!

If you’ve been pregnant what did you notice about when you first started to feel your baby/babies?

4 thoughts on “18 weeks pregnant with twins

  1. You look great!! Yeah I first noticed Owen laying down and all that (I heard that our movement puts them to sleep so when you are still they are more likely awake? …don’t quote me on that haha). It felt like I had swallowed a butterfly at first lol.
    Have so much fun at your parents!! And don’t stop the updates! I look forward to them every time!


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