17 weeks pregnant with twin ________…

If you haven’t had a chance to watch the gender reveal video and you don’t want me to ruin the surprise, then I suggest you stop reading this post and go back to my previous post to watch the video first! This post will be all about our reactions to the newly discovered genders of our babies!

Okay, so now you really should stop reading if you don’t want to know the genders… I’m going to talk about what we’re having…

Starting now…

My thoughts after our gender reveal party

As most of you now know we are probably having 2 boys! I say probably because the ultrasound technician was a little unsure about the gender of Baby B, but she was pretty sure they were both boys. At first this news was shocking to both of us. The entire time I’ve been pregnant we’ve been imagining that we would have one of each. Of course my husband wasn’t shy about voicing his desire for two boys, but he still truly thought that when we cut open the cakes there would be one pink and one blue. I also had voiced my fears about having two boys, and I was not so secretly hoping for at least one girl.

Feeling guilty about my lack of excitement

When I cut the second cake and saw that it was blue I have to be honest that I had some feelings of disappointment. I tried to smile and be excited, but I don’t think I did a very convincing job of it. Plus there was the fact that my husband started patting my back and saying “sorry honey” so everyone could see I was hoping for a girl. I by no means want anyone (especially my unborn babies) to think that I am unhappy about having boys. I am so thankful for these babies, and I love them so much regardless of their genders. I just needed some time to adjust my mental images of our future family and get used to the idea of being a mama to boys.

My first baby shopping spree

The day after our gender reveal I went to Target to grab some last minute things for my trip to visit my family. I decided to walk by the baby section to look at the baby boy clothes. This was not my first time browsing baby clothes, but it was the first time I seriously looked at boy clothes. Since I’ve been pregnant I’ve always gravitated toward the tiny dresses and dainty floral printed onesies. This time I went straight for the blue section. I have never been a fan of the light baby blue color, I like bright, more sophisticated colors for babies. I wasn’t expecting to fine anything I liked but…

I did find some fun stuff including this little piece that I instantly fell in love with and had to have:

yellow and grey striped onesie

And then I spotted these little onesies and added them to my cart because I couldn’t resist their cuteness and I started picturing my babies posing for a photo shoot wearing them. Aren’t they darling?

bow tie onesies

And then after that I went a little crazy. I think I bought 17 items. Little outfits that included pants, a onesie and a hoodie, more onesies and rompers and itsy bitsy striped socks. As I added more items to my shopping cart I could feel my heart getting more and more excited to hold my babies and cuddle them in their new fuzzy footy pajamas. I left Target with three bulging bags full of all things BOY and more importantly with an overwhelming anticipation to meet my sons.

Why I’m excited to have twin BOYS

1. They will be brothers

2. They can share clothes

3. It’s easier to name twins of the same gender (I think)

4. I can dress them in matching outfits (maybe, occasionally)

5. They will be lifelong buddies, playmates, friends and confidants

I think there is just a special bond between two brothers that I can’t wait to see form between these two little guys. So yes, now I am so excited for the boys to arrive! And Baby B, if you ever read this post or see your gender reveal video please know that I love you and couldn’t be more thrilled that the second cake ended up being blue.

Of course there still is a slight chance that at our next ultrasound appointment we could find out that Baby B is in fact a girl (and now I think that would make me disappointed because I’m so excited for boys). For any of my future pregnancies and if you are planning a gender reveal gathering for yourself I suggest waiting until at least 20 weeks or until the ultrasound shows a super clear image and the doctor can say “we know 100% what your baby is going to be” before doing a gender reveal party. The uncertainty is kinda lame… so next time I think I’ll exercise some more patience and wait it out a bit longer.

But for now, I’m having boys and I’m happy about it!

Here’s my growing belly: 17 weeks pregnant with twin BOYS!

Week 17 belly shot
Week 17 belly shot