16 week twin pregnancy update

Well, we had our 16 week ultrasound today, and the genders were not as easy to find as I thought they would be. The ultrasound technician was able to identify Baby A right away but Baby B was being modest and wouldn’t allow her to have a good look. So… as of now we have a sealed envelope containing the definite gender of Baby A and a guess at what Baby B might be. We’re not sure if we should go ahead with the gender reveal cakes until we can confirm Baby B though.

Getting a second opinion

After we had the ultrasound we had our appointment with the OB and she felt it would be good for us to see a MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) specialist to do another scan for us ASAP. (Not to find out the gender, but to look more closely at the babies and make sure they are growing properly. There was some concern that Baby B is a little bigger than Baby A, but Baby A was bigger last month so they want to make sure that Baby A is growing normally. This was a little unexpected for me, as I thought they were both measuring good- Baby A is measuring 16w5days and Baby B is measuring 16w6days, but they are about an ounce different in estimated weight (which is a lot considering that they are only 5 and 6 ounces.) So I’m glad that the doctor is being cautious and referring us to the specialist. Once we see the MFM we will continue to go to the MFM for all of our scans and then back to the OB for the regular checkups. The upside to getting a referral to the MFM is that we may get to have another look at Baby B and hopefully they can find out the gender. If that’s the case then the gender reveal will still happen this weekend!

16 week twin pregnancy symptoms

This week my symptoms were pretty much the same as they have been; still super constipated- and having cramps. I’m having a hard time deciphering what could be constipation pains vs. pregnancy cramps, so I’m hoping that I’m not writing off something more serious as constipation pains. I’m also still getting bad headaches 1 or 2 days a week not necessarily every time it storms, but when I get a headache it has always been on a stormy day.

I did experience something new- charlie horse cramping in both calves. This happened a few mornings in a row where I woke up with horrible cramping in my calves- from stretching as I was waking up. The doctor recommended that I take more calcium supplements. I have been eating tons of dairy, so I didn’t think I would need even more calcium, but I’ll try the supplements and see if that helps with the charlie horses! The doctor also recommended Miralax for constipation or Colace. I’m hesitant to take any medication while I’m pregnant so I’d been trying to fix the problem with prunes and prune juice, but my doctor said it would not harm the babies in any way- so I’m planning to give the Colace a try first. Anyone have any experience with either of the recommended medicines?

I’ll leave you with my 16 week twin pregnancy belly shot:

My 16 week belly shot
My 16 week belly shot