15 weeks pregnant with TWINS: feeling antsy

This week went by really fast, but now it feels like an eternity waiting for next week to come… because hopefully at our 16 week ultrasound we will be able to find out the genders of our babies! However because I thought finding out the genders during the ultrasound would be anticlimactic we decided to wait another 4 days to find out (because apparently one never ending week of waiting just isn’t long enough)…

Jumping on the “gender reveal party” wagon

The latest trend with pregnant couples these days is gender reveal parties. I know it’s already been done a thousand times, and I originally thought putting on these types of parties was an unnecessary production. Now that we are finally pregnant I kind of want to experience the surprise and excitement of cutting open a cake to see if it is pink or blue… or both!

So we’ve decided that we will join in on this trend and do a little gender reveal party of our own. The plan is that one of our friends will bake two cakes; one for baby A and one for baby B. When I first suggested having a two layer cake with each layer representing a baby my husband strongly disagreed. He was actually very adamant that each baby have their own cake. Since he doesn’t get very worked up over all of the pregnancy excitement very often I decided that we definitely needed to have two cakes. I think this is the first thing that the peeps’ daddy actually cares about, which makes me happy!

However, all of this gender reveal business ultimately depends on if the ultrasound technician can actually decipher the genders. Otherwise we’ll be waiting a whole additional month to actually find out what they will be! I’m hoping that the babies will cooperate so we can proceed with our little cake cutting gathering. Of course I will be posting the video on the blog so you can find out the genders too!

4 months pregnant belly or gluten belly?

I’ve been gluten free for almost ten years now because of a gluten allergy. When people ask what happens to me when I eat gluten I’ve always described it as getting really bloated and looking like I’m 4 months pregnant. Now that I’m actually almost 4 months pregnant I’d have to say that my description of my gluten belly was pretty accurate. Okay, so maybe my actual pregnant belly is a bit bigger and harder, and it doesn’t hurt horribly, but it looks pretty similar to my gluten belly. So here it is at 15 weeks:

15 weeks pregnant belly shot
Week 15 belly shot